Wednesday, January 29, 2020

100th Day of School 1/28

We had so much fun celebrating the 100th day of school with our class! Students participated in multiple activities related to the number 100 including finding the number 100, writing about what they would do with $100, reading a story about the 100th day of school, and even creating their own very special 100th day of school trail mix. We had so much together! We really want to thank everyone that contributed, we couldn't have done it without you! We also want to thank all the families that participated in our 100th Day of School Cape. They were awesome!!!! Everyone was so excited to wear them (even students that were sick and had to stay at home!). We are so proud of our students for all the learning and growing they have done in the past 100 days, and we look forward to the rest of the time we have together! Enjoy the pictures of our capes and the grandmas and grandpas that showed up to our 100th day of school!

"Dreaming of Kindness" Day 1/27

Enjoy the pictures of the students that participated in The Great Kindness Week's "Dreaming of Kindness" day!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Sight Word Picnic - Quarter 2

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We completed our Sight Word Testing and were very impressed!! There were quite a few students that met our Quarter 2 expectation of reading 40 words or MORE. 

Below are the students that will be joining Ms. Bellot and Ms. Conner in the courtyard during lunch time for our Sight Word Picnic on Thursday, January 30th :)  Students attending the picnic may bring a blanket, towel or sheet to sit on during the picnic.
***Parents may also attend the Sight Word Picnic during our lunch time (10:15-10:45) if you are a DCPS approved volunteer.***

Congratulations go out to Cameron, Mia, Braden, Michael, Kenza, Annastacia, Logan, Davin, Noah, Amaryllis, Nethanel, Layla, Noel, Jaylen, Laiyanna, Amelia, Maurice, and Quentin!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Backwards Day!

We had so much fun on Backwards Day! Our students wore backwards shirts, sweaters, pants, and some even tried keeping their shoes on backwards! Enjoy the pictures below :)

Week of January 27

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We are so excited for this week because on Tuesday 1/28 we will have been in Kindergarten for 100 days!!!!!! We are looking forward to celebrating the 100th Day of School with our students by doing various activities related to 100. We want to thank everyone that has contributed to our 100th Day celebration. We wanted to remind everyone that students should wear their 100 Day Capes to school on Tuesday.

Our resources this week are Spanish, Media, Music, and P.E. Wednesday is an Early Release Day. Our Fun Friday activity is Super Bowl Day, which mean students can wear their favorite football jerseys. Ms. Bellot will be bringing in Fun Friday snacks for the class. There are still multiple Fridays that you and your child can sign up for Fun Friday snacks if you are interested!

Students will be doing their Reading Mastery programs. Our Sight Words for this week can be found below:

We will be reading informational texts about zebras, hippos, giraffes, lions, rhinos each day (unfortunately not available online). We will be working on creating KWL (know, want to learn, and learned) charts for each subject that we read about. We will also continue to work on comprehension of the various texts.

In writing, we will focus on writing informational pieces on the various animals we will be reading about.

We will be starting a new unit in math this week, Addition up to 10! Students will first be combining sets and grasping a firm understanding of numbers facts up to 10. Students will also be introduced to counting by 5's. Continue practicing counting to 100 and counting by 10s with your child at home.

Due to our 100th Day of School celebration and early release schedule on Wednesday, we do not plan on having time for science.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Great Kindness Challenge Week

The Great Kindness Challenge
Our school is hosting a week of kindness with the following daily events next week. We hope your child will participate with us! 😁 Please feel free to check out this link for more information.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Ms. Finocchiaro &Frankie Came In

Hi Everyone!! Ms. Finocchiaro here. :) 
I wanted you all to know that I will be returning to the classroom on February 3. I was so excited that I had to come in today with Frankie and see all the students!  Many of them were shocked to see me and they couldn't believe that Baby Frankie was IN OUR CLASSROOM!!  haha It was adorable!!
We took a few pictures in class, but Frankie fell asleep so I'm including one where she's awake with a smile. :)

We need baby wipes!!!

Image result for Baby Wipes Clipart
The time has come when we are down to our last package of Baby Wipes. Our students do a great job cleaning up their breakfast area and cleaning their hands after eating snack... and our supply has dwindled. 
If you are able to send in a package, or two or even three~ please do. 

Thanks in advance!!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Week of January 20

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We're back for another week of Kindergarten! Our resources this week are Art, P.E., and Music. Our Fun Friday Activity is Backwards Day! That means wearing clothes, hats, and accessories backwards! We still need volunteers for our Fun Friday snacks this week. 
Picture Day is Tuesday 1/21!

Our students will have another week of their leveled Reading Mastery programs. We will also be working on this week's sight words:

This week we will be reading "What's It Like to Be a Fish?"and "Fish is Fish" (found below). We will be comparing and contrasting these two texts that are on the same topic but are different kinds of text (non-fiction vs. fiction). Students will also be introduced to important vocabulary words from the text

We will be working on informational writing based on our week's story. We will focus on writing facts about fish based on what we learned from "What's It Like to Be a Fish?".

We will be finishing up on our unit of Teen Numbers. We'll be working on decomposing and composing teen numbers into a group of ten and some ones. Students will be taking an assessment this week on the entire unit. Please be sure to review teen numbers and how to build them with your child at home. We will also continue to work on counting to 100 by 1's and counting to 100 by 10s'.

We will continue working on our Sound unit and how it is made and how it is a form of energy that can cause movement as it travels.

Roaring 20s Day!

Roaring 20s Day was so much fun! Even our Assistant Principal Ms. Seibert and Bookeeper Ms. Cone joined in on the fun! All of our students thought everyone that participated was dressed so elegantly and loved it!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Play Day T-Shirts

Later this week we will be sending home the order forms for CLE's Play Day T-Shirts! They are only $10.00 and can be paid in cash or checks (payable to Chimney Lakes Elementary). Online orders are also accepted at The final day to turn in orders and payments to us is Tuesday 2/18. 

Sunglasses Day 1/10

Enjoy the cool pictures of everyone that participated in Sunglasses Day on 1/10. 
Don't forget this Friday 1/17 is Roaring 20s Day (wear clothes inspired by the 1920s, ex: flapper dresses, suits, feathers, etc)

Monday, January 13, 2020

Week of January 13

Image result for roaring 20s clipart
Welcome to another week of Kindergarten! We are so glad to have our students back and settled into our class routines and procedures after a long break. This week our resources will be Spanish, Media, Music, and P.E. Our Fun Friday activity is Roaring 20s Day! We want to celebrate the new 2020 year with our students by reminiscing about the past with 1920s inspired clothing. Kenza will be bringing in Fun Friday snacks for everyone! Report cards will also be going home this week.

Students are attending this Reading Mastery classes to help with their sounds and reading skills.Our sight words for this week are below:

You can also find last week's Sight Words below:

We will be reading "What Lives in a Shell", which can be found below. We will be working on identifying the text features that indicate that this is a non fiction text, reviewing main idea and key details, and learning some new vocabulary from the text. 

We will continue working on writing an informational piece.

We will be continuing our Teen Numbers unit, focusing on composing and decomposing numbers 11-19. We will keep practicing the new skill we were introduced to last week: Counting by 10s to 100. Please use the video below to practice at home.

We will continue to learn about sound and what it is.We will also discuss how it is made.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

January Calendar

Below you will find our January Calendar. Please note there has been one change: 
Class Pictures will be on 1/21/20.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Week of January 6

See the source image

Welcome back! We hope you all had a healthy and happy holiday season! We are excited to continue with a strong year together! Our resources this week are Art, P.E., and Music. Our Fun Friday Activity will be Sunglasses Day! We need volunteers to bring our class Fun Friday snacks this Friday or any other Friday this school year. If you are interested in bringing in snacks for our whole class (40 students) please email Ms. Bellot.
We are excited to begin Quarter 3 with our students! Report Cards will be going home next Monday 1/13. We will provide more information about the report cards, 3rd quarter expectations, and parent teacher conferences next week.

Students will be beginning their new Reading Mastery groups this week. A letter was sent home before the break describing the new program and set up.

Students will be working on answering questions about a text, identifying the basic plot of a text, and retelling a story. We will be reading Otis by Loren Long.

Students will be working on writing about facts vs. opinions on various topics.

We will be starting a new unit about TEEN NUMBERS! This week we will be introducing teen numbers, practice writing teen numbers, and learn to recognize and count groups of 10 and higher. We will also be learning a new skill: counting to 100 by 10s. Please continue practicing rote counting at home with your child. You can use the following videos to practice all these skills.

In science, we will be introducing sound and what it is. We will also learn about what makes sound.