Monday, January 6, 2020

Week of January 6

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Welcome back! We hope you all had a healthy and happy holiday season! We are excited to continue with a strong year together! Our resources this week are Art, P.E., and Music. Our Fun Friday Activity will be Sunglasses Day! We need volunteers to bring our class Fun Friday snacks this Friday or any other Friday this school year. If you are interested in bringing in snacks for our whole class (40 students) please email Ms. Bellot.
We are excited to begin Quarter 3 with our students! Report Cards will be going home next Monday 1/13. We will provide more information about the report cards, 3rd quarter expectations, and parent teacher conferences next week.

Students will be beginning their new Reading Mastery groups this week. A letter was sent home before the break describing the new program and set up.

Students will be working on answering questions about a text, identifying the basic plot of a text, and retelling a story. We will be reading Otis by Loren Long.

Students will be working on writing about facts vs. opinions on various topics.

We will be starting a new unit about TEEN NUMBERS! This week we will be introducing teen numbers, practice writing teen numbers, and learn to recognize and count groups of 10 and higher. We will also be learning a new skill: counting to 100 by 10s. Please continue practicing rote counting at home with your child. You can use the following videos to practice all these skills.

In science, we will be introducing sound and what it is. We will also learn about what makes sound.

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