Sunday, May 5, 2019

Week of May 6

Heres to another great week in Kindergarten!! Make sure to check out the half sheet of paper so that your child knows how to participate in Alphabet Countdown. 3, 4 and % are still testing, so we do not have Resource until Friday. 

We are continuing subtraction. We will be working on subtraction story problems, so try telling problems during dinner time and your child can act them out. Example: Susan had 5 chicken nuggets and she ate 2 of them. How many were left on her plate?

A little chuckle from everyone... we are STILL working on our Kindergarten Memory book. A page a day and a day of review. It takes us awhile!

Saxon has us working with the macron and coding long vowels. When we code a long vowel, we also code the e at the end by putting a slash through it. This allows the vowel to say its name and the e to be silent. We'll also be reviewing a blend at the end of the month. 
Our vowel slideshow is full on review! This allows the student to figure out the vowel, plus figure out if it's long or short. (This is how we test vowels.) Our sight words are: too, right, want & much.

Our Focus book this week is How the Guinea Fowl Got Her Spots. We are reading this book in anticipation for International Cultural Day on May 23. :) 
We will be discussing the events in the order that they happen and practice retelling the story. 

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