Friday, October 12, 2018

Book Logs

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Many of you have been reading books to and with your child. The Dum Dum Reading Challenge Books are coming in like wild fire and we love it! And we love all of the completed Book Logs we've been receiving!!! 
However there are some things we want to remind about the book logs... Parents need to write in the title of the books and sign at the bottom. We are not able to accept Book Logs that are written in child handwriting and not signed by a parent. We thank all of you for understanding.

We want to CONGRATULATE the Students (and Parents) who have turned in Book Logs and the amount they've turned in: 
Jayven~ 1,  Giovanni~2,  Jabar~2,  Graham~2,  Anthony~1,  Jamar~1,  Kaleah~1,  Lanie~2,  Zoe~1,  Zuriah~3,  Addyson~2,  Malu~1,  William M~1,  Maliyah~2,  Haleigh~1,  William S~1 and  Patrick~1.

**Currently all completed Book Logs turned in are receiving a Book It coupon from Pizza Hut for a Personal Pan Pizza. We will continue passing out the coupons until we have none left.

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