Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cheetahs go to the Movies!!

Today the students brought home a flyer about Movie Time! The is a fundraiser to support our CLE Safety Patrols. :) The movie they will be viewing is Noelle and a preview can be found at the end of this post. 

This event is a lot of fun for the students!! The $3.00 admission gets their entrance into the movie and a bag of popcorn. Then if your child is hungry or you're feeling extra generous~ they have drinks and candy for sale. :) The prices for these extra items range from $.50-$1.00.

Even better is knowing that your child will be able to enjoy the movie with a blanket, pillow and their Stuffed Animal from Stuffed Animal Day!! (We've already gotten it approved from the Safety Patrol Sponsors.) The event is from 3:30-6:00. All monies need to br brought to school on Friday with the paper filled out. Any students who do not have a paper, even if they have the money, will not be able to attend the event. 
Image result for movie clipart
Any questions~ please direct them towards the Patrol Sponsors Mrs. Cone or Ms. Cherry. 

Ms. Bellot and I will not be attending the event, however I did volunteer my services for Dismissal after the Movie. Also, all Kindergarteners attending the event will be housed together with a Kindergarten Teacher and they will all be brought over the Multi-Purpose Room together at 3:30.

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