Friday, October 18, 2019

Week of October 21

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Who's ready for the 2nd Quarter?? WE ARE!! WE ARE!!
With the start of the new quarter, we wanted to inform you of the academic expectations, which we attached in a previous post. We also wanted to remind you of a few things:
We begin teaching at 8:45 AM with reading skills and continue teaching until around 2:25 PM. It is imperative that your child is present for all instructional time so that they do not miss out on key concepts and practice.We also wanted to remind you to email BOTH of us with any questions or concerns so that one of us may respond to you as soon as possible and are both informed. 

Our resource schedule was updated so please check back for our revised October calendar. This week our resources are Spanish, Media, Music, and P.E. Wednesday is Unity Day, wear orange to support no bullying or prejudice at our school! Friday is Halloween T-Shirt Day! Laiyanna will be bringing in Fun Friday snacks.

We are beginning our practice on the Second Quarter Expectations. Our Sight Words for this week are: two, one, said & day. You will notice that Sight Words are upped to 40 words this quarter. The students are expected to recognize all 52 uppercase & lowercase letter and produce all 26 sounds. (If your child isn't in the Clubs, please check back on old blog posts for our letter and sound videos.)
New items for us this quarter will be figuring out the beginning sounds of words and pictures. Along with recognizing whether two words rhyme or do not rhyme.

Our book for this week and next is Stellaluna. :)  We will be discussing characters and settings of the story and completing a journal page. We will also discuss the problem and solution in the story. Finally we will take our time retelling the story in order from beginning to the middle to the end. This is a longer story and one that is unknown to many students... so I felt it only right to work on it for 2 weeks. **However on Halloween I will take a break from the story so that we can work on a craft for The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. :) **

We are slowly putting our detailed drawings on the back burner. As mentioned last week, when drawing the students will only have time for a quick sketch of their setting and characters.
Our main focus will be sentence writing: We will now begin focusing on the fundamentals of sentence writing:*putting an uppercase letter at the beginning of the sentence. *using two fingers to make spaces in between words. *writing sight words on our word wall correctly. *chopping up sounds in unknown words with our pretend "cutting boards" (one arm) and our pretend "knife" (the hand of our other arm). *putting punctuation at the end. (For the next few weeks we will focus on using a period. However if the students grasp the period quickly, we will also introduce the exclamation and question mark.)

Last week in math we began our unit on Shapes. We are continuing to work with 3D Shapes including cones, spheres, cylinders, and cubes. We will also be talking about flat shapes (2D shapes) including triangles, circles, squares, rectangles, and hexagons! Please continue practicing counting to 100 with any previous videos we have used!

We are continuing to work on the Five Senses this week!

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