Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Report Cards

Image result for report card clipart
Hello Everyone!!
We noticed that a few parents had questions about asterisks put on the Report Cards. The district gives us alerts when posting grades for the students. This year there was a change for the District's online system and we were told to put a mark in every box even if it was for something that was not assessed this quarter.
Therefore you all should have noticed that boxes for Recognizes Basic Shapes, Demonstrates Problem Solving Skills and Understands Basic Addition/Subtraction have asterisks. This did not mean that they have difficulties in these areas~ we haven't assessed them, so we don't know if they do or not. With that being said however... areas with an N need your attention. These were areas that your child needs improvement in. So please make sure to practice these areas at home. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email both of us or request a conference to discuss the issues in person.

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