Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week of September 23

Image result for slippers clipart
We are excited for another great week and we want to keep you all informed, so please make sure to read through everything. This week our only Resource is Music on Tuesday. Wednesday is an Early Release Day! And our Fun Friday Activity is SLIPPERS DAY!! We are super excited about this day, however we need to remind everyone that slippers are not allowed to be worn to school. They need to be in your child's backpack and we will have them change into them in the classroom. With that being said, please make sure your child is able to take off and put on their regular shoes with ease. Unfortunately we do not tie shoelaces... we inform students to ask a friend to tie them or stick them inside of their shoes. 
(If you have any questions about slippers day, please email BOTH of us.)
Also, Wednesday is DAD's BRING YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL DAY!! We want to feature all the Dad's on the blog, (biological, adopted, male Father Figures!! You are all important!) So if you bring your child to school on Wednesday, please email us a photo of you and your child. We will make the blog post on Thursday to allow everyone an ample amount of time to email BOTH OF US their photos. :)

Letters and sounds are continuing to come along nicely. Please continue to practice at home. We can tell who is getting the practice in and it's amazing!!
 We have our sight words for the week posted below in the slideshow; black, white, can & like. Our predictable chart this week is on fruits with the sentence: 'I like _____ and  ______ . Please remember not every student will be called upon for this chart. Only about 13 students will get to participate in this one.

Our story this week is The Napping House. This story is a tried and true gem! The story is great for retelling and discussing cause/ effect. We will spend a lot of time retelling the story using pictures and practicing retelling with the names the characters are given in the book. Ex. Granny- not "the old lady" haha. On Friday we will take another Comprehension Test on sequencing the characters and explaining the cause and effect issue in the story.
**More students did well on last week's test, but we want all students to do well!! Watch the video and discuss the story with your child. **

We are continuing work on characters and settings, however we will be adding simple sentences to our pictures. Students are not expected to write words the adult way... however we do expect them to write the sounds they hear in the words.
For example the sentence: My family went to the beach.
Most likely this sentence will be written as: Mi fmle wnt too the beh.
AND THIS IS OKAY!!! Writing is developmental and all the students know a different amount of letter sounds. We don't expect them to write the letters for sounds they don't know.

This week, we are working on comparing and ordering numbers 0-5, and learning to answer "How many?" we have of a set quantity of items using words and numerals.
Below is a new counting to 100 video that we will use to practice our numbers throughout the week. There is also a video about comparing numbers that can be used at home to practice.

This week in science we will learn about using our 5 senses to make observations. We will focus on the sense of touch and introduce our sense of hearing. Below is a catchy video we will be singing throughout the week to show our growing knowledge on our 5 senses.

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