Sunday, March 31, 2019

Week of April 1

Image result for slippers clip art
Welcome to the Month of APRIL!! We are in the last quarter of the school year. :) Upper Grades are starting testing, and we aren't far behind them... we will have our last i-Ready Diagnostic real soon. (We will let you know the dates as soon as we find out.)
Our week is as follows: P.E. on Monday and Slippers Day on Friday. Don't forget to pack them in your child's backpack. We will only wear slippers inside of our classroom. The rest of the time, your child will need to have regular shoes.
***If you would like to sign up for Fun Friday Snacks, please email us. We have a lot of empty dates in April and May. :) ***

We are starting this week reviewing our unit on combining numbers to make a new number. On Tuesday we are planning to have our unit assessment on number bonds and number combinaitons to 10. Please make sure you are reviewing with your child. Let us know if you have any questions about it.
We then will jump right into our next unit with a continuation of addition on addition stories. We will begin using a number line to help us visualize addition and use the addition and equal sign more.

I decided to fully flip script and begin reports on ourselves. :) The students will be writing ALL ABOUT ME Reports. We will discuss all of the facts they can say about themselves and how we will not add opinions in our writing.
Check out the youtube video below for a very simple All About Me Report Book. 

In Saxon we will discuss Digraph ck. Students will learn the rule for applying ck to words. (Please note, we do not expect the students to learn this once and then apply it. It takes time to remember it and apply in their writing.)
Our vowel focus is A. We will discuss whether the vowel sound in the middle is short or long. Check out the slideshow and practice with your child! Our blend is the GR- grapes, green, Grandma, etc. Instead of focusing on one word family, we will discuss the word families that go with letter a= at, ake, am, able, etc. Finally our Sight Words this week are: know, with, back & after.

Our story is called Tops and Bottoms. It is written by Janet Stevens. The vocabulary we will use when discussing the story is crops, harvest, profit and gathered. We will discuss words and events that informed us Bear was lazy. We will then discuss the similarities and differences between bears and hares.
On Thursday we will discuss the events of the story and the students will work with their Sanford Harmony Buddy putting the pictures in order. Finally on Friday the students will take a short Comprehension Test. 

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