Monday, January 7, 2019

Week of January 8

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WELCOME BACK!!! :) We are excited to see everyone and get the second half of the year started with a bang!
We have Resources on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. We have an assembly Thursday morning for Kids Heart Challenge (Jump Rope for Heart). Fun Friday's activity is HAT DAY and Jayven is bringing in Fun Friday Snacks. ooh and we have another student joining the Six-Year-Old Club~ Julian joins on Thursday. :) 

Before we left for break we finished up our Shape Unit with activities however we never had the opportunity to take the unit assessment. With that being said on Tuesday we will review 2D and 3D shapes and positional words. Wednesday we will take the unit assessment so please review with your child. At the end of the week we will begin our new unit on Measurement. We will begin introducing the vocabulary words: smaller, smallest, bigger, biggest, longer, longest, shorter, and shortest. We will be introducing comparing size with the book Much Bigger than Martian by Steven Kellogg.
New Quarter Expectations: Please remember we have new expectations as we begin the new quarter. Students need to be able to count to 75, count to 100 by 10s, recognize numbers 0-15, counts groups to 15, and write numbers up to 15. As we get further into the quarter we will have more expectations. We will be sending home expectation sheets soon. Please be practicing with your child as we will be working on these in class.

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Our Writing from this point on will solely focus on writing sentences. The students will be given a picture similar to the one above and we will discuss different sentences that can be written to match the picture. We will also work on the fundamentals of sentence writing and using SOUNDS!! :)  The students are expected to writing beginning, middle and ending sounds for unknown words.

Our focus letter is Uu. Please watch over the Jack Hartmann sound video with your child... the u sound is tricky for many of our students. 
Our Sight Words for the week are: not, has, some & they. Check out the slideshow to get in some at home practice. :)

We will continue to focus on Rhyming~ however this go around the students will be expected to think of words that rhyme with any given word. We will work on ending sounds for given pictures and then a bit of a tricky concept... Substituting beginning sounds for words. (We will make a blog post later on in the week just for this concept.)
We are also beginning "focus" blends. This week we will focus on the blend /ch/. Below is the slideshow we will use in class.


Our book this week is A Snowy Day by Jack Ezra Keats. Please review the vocabulary with your child... this helps in the comprehension of the story. Our words are: snow, snowsuit, path, tracks, snowball, fight and heaping.
We will make connections with the main character Peter. We will infer what happens to the snowball that Peter sticks into his pocket. We will end the week with giving our opinions in the book... All week long we will make entries in our Reading Journals. :)
**We will also brush upon the -ow ending and words that have -ow. Ex. snow, blow, low, etc.**

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