Sunday, January 20, 2019

Jacksonville Zoo Field Trip

Zoo Field Trip!!!
 On Friday, we sent home permission slips for the Jacksonville Zoo. :) Attached to the permission slip was a lunch paper. On this field trip we eat lunch above the entrance at the Zoo. Lunch is included in the price of our admission. ***The train, Stingray Bay, the 4D movie and Carousel are not included in our price. We request that these special events be done by the Chaperone with their own child after Chimney Lakes students have left on the buses.***
Image result for jacksonville zoo
On this field trip we are not limited to the amount of Chaperone's we can have... but if you plan on Chaperoning you must be an APPROVED DUVAL COUNTY CHAPERONE. (Those parents that attended the Amazing Grace Crop Maze are all approved Chaperones.)
Image result for jacksonville zoo

Now we would like to inform all of you what we do as teachers on this field trip... We assign small groups of students to the Chaperones and we hang out near the entrance waiting for emergencies to arise. We do not assign students to be with us so that we are available to the Chaperones at all times. 
In the past these are the emergencies we have dealt with: bathroom accidents, vomiting, students running away from the Chaperone, ignoring the Chaperones safety directions and yelling at the Chaperones. When one of these emergencies occur, one of us moves quickly to get the student and bring the student back up to the entrance. 
If this happens, we want you to know that this ends your child's Zoo experience. We are not able to show your child the Zoo and be available for the Chaperones... so if one of these is a possibility, we highly recommend you become a Chaperone and join us at the Jacksonville Zoo!!! :) 

If you have any questions, please send both of us an email and we will answer all your questions. 
Image result for jacksonville zoo

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