Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Week of September 4

We are still working on our Resource Calendar, so please error on the safe side by sending your child to school every day in tennis shoes. We'd hate for them to miss PE because of the wrong shoes.
Lanie will be bringing in Fun Friday Snacks for the whole class!! If you wish to sign up for a date, email us and we'll get you one. :) 

We are continuing to practice writing our numbers 0-5 this week. Please keep in mind that this is something we expect them to be able to this quarter. We will be testing for progress reports this week as well. Along with practicing our number writing we will be continuing to make groups. In our Duval math we will be sorting into groups by their similarities (size, color, and amount). Students will also be learning how groups up to 5 may look different but have the same amount. Our vocabulary were working with is rows, columns, and circular. You will hear if not already that we are Jack Hartmann's number one fans! Below are some more videos we will be using to practice with our counting and number recognition as well as number writing.


We get to write in our Weekend Writing Folders on Tuesday. :) We are so excited to see the students illustrate their detailed body and show something fun they did over the three day weekend. ~ If time permits, we'll try to take a few pictures. 
As the week progresses, we will discuss 3 STAR Color Details. This is very important for Kindergartners because we do give a grade for color details. We look to see if the students are coloring in the lines and not leaving white space (no scribbling!!), do their colors make sense (no blue leaves or white tree trunks) and most importantly using multiple colors. (we aim for five or more so that the whole picture is not just one or two colors.)
Image result for child drawingclipart
This is the best example of a 3 STAR Coloring clip art I could find.

This week Saxon has us focusing on letter Oo. This is a very simple letter to write, however we notice a lot of difficulty producing the sound. Make sure to check out Jack Hartmann's video and when making the sound with your child, point one finger in your mouth like a doctor checking your tonsils. Don't touch your tongue though, just point. (We do this movement every day during Alphabet Echo.) Also we will discuss how O is a vowel and makes two sounds. Currently we are only focusing on the short o sound.
Our Sight words for this week are: brown, orange, I & the. We will practice these words, along with the words from last week. :)
We're also practicing writing our first names correctly. Many of you received notes on your child's Saxon papers saying "Please Practice Name Writing." We try to write this note when ever we notice your child is frustrated when writing their name... we don't always get to it though. So we need you to remember to practice. :) 

We are sticking with Duval Reads again this week. :) Our Nursery Rhymes are Jack & Jill, Little Miss Muffet and This Little Pig Went to Market. We are focusing on naming the characters, figuring out if the Nursery Rhyme is fiction or nonfiction and making connection with a time we were frightened (connection to Little Miss Muffet).
We will be writing about our Connections in our Reading Journals.

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