Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Behavior Colors

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Today we discussed Behavior Colors in class and changed colors. Before I remind/inform about the colors, I would like to say we give LOTS of warnings before a color is changed. Not just now, but throughout the whole entire school year. 
~ When your child receives a color change, we will write a number corresponding to a consequence at the bottom of the conduct sheet. Today we wrote a lot of #1, #2 and #3 consequences. ~

Below is a picture of the behavior colors in order and the faces that we use to teach the student what each color means. Green across to the red are all the school wide colors. We like to give our students the chance to go above and beyond in our class and we chose to do this with the color purple. 
Color Explanation:
PURPLE: You make your teacher excited!! You've gone above and beyond the expectations in class.
GREEN: Great job! You met the class expectations.
BLUE: Your teachers are tired after reminding you of all the rules and having to stop teaching. 
YELLOW: Uh oh... the Teacher's mean voice came out and you made her sad. 
ORANGE: The wrong choices continued. Now it's not just your teacher that's upset... your parents are sad too.
RED: Unfortunately you weren't able to turn the wrong choices around and now everyone is sad. At this point all teaching in class has stopped and Administration may be involved. 

*** Thankfully, we don't often have RED happen in our room. And the few times it has, Administration was not involved. ***
Color changes are averaged in to your child's Behavior Grade. Duval County School Board lists this grade on the Report Card as Social Growth and Development. 

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