Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week of Feb 24

Image result for black history month
We are finishing off the month by discussing a few famous African Americans in History to celebrate Black History Month. Make sure to ask your child who we discussed on Friday and ask what they learned. :) We have resources on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday is an Early Release Day.
Also, if you have not signed and returned your child's Progress Report... please do so now. We want to make sure everyone is aware of their child's current grades. On Friday Kenza is bringing in Fun Friday Snacks for the class. 

We were able to take back a little bit of time from Reading Mastery. :) (We are soooo happy!) So we are able to focus on WORD FAMILIES! This week we are focused on "A" guided word families.
Please note: we are using them as the gateway to mastery for producing rhyming words. Along with adding/ substituting the beginning sound to make a new word. We know it'll be great!! 
Our Sight Words for the week are: now, big, are & their.

We are continuing to pull information about of passages that support a topic. We are discussing various animals and reviewing animals that were taught prior to my return.
Please make sure to review that papers that go home. The answers need to have a simple picture and words. Many of the students are forgetting their words and the papers are completed together whole group.

If time is found, we will be writing sentences for the animals we discuss in Reading.

We will be starting a new unit this week: Addition! This unit builds off what we were learning in our previous unit. Practice combinations of numbers 3-10 with your child so that addition comes more naturally to them! We will be discussing how addition is just combining two sets of objects. Some of the addition strategies we will be working on include "counting on", "adding with fingers", and "using a number path". We'll be using the following video in class as a fun way to start adding!
Students can also watch at home and practice more.

This week we will be discussing the different sizes of objects and observing that things can be big or small as seen from Earth.

Friday, February 21, 2020

International Day

So we wish that we had more pictures from International Day, but we were so busy having fun that we only got a few. Below you will see our four students that walked in the Parade and represented the countries: Puerto Rico, Thailand, USA and England. Then the last photo is Ms. Bellot with her Mom and younger sister Alexia. They flew in from NYC and together they showcased Bolivia for the 5th grade students.
Make sure to ask your child what they learned today and check out the crafts they made. Along with their Passport! :) 

Valentine's Day

We forgot to post these photos last week. :) And we couldn't forget them... here are our students spreading LOVE!!


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Week of February 18

See the source image

We have a fun and busy week planned for our class! Our resources this week are Art, P.E., and Music. On Friday we will have International Day at our school! Students can wear colors of a flag or cultural attire. If you want your child to participate in the International Day Parade, they must be in cultural attire and have a flag or sign with the name of the country they are representing. We will be going over what to expect on International Day throughout the week. Ms. Bellot and her mom and sister will be a presenters on International Day representing Bolivia! She will be out of the room prepping for various International Day activities throughout the week. In Reading and Writing, we will be reviewing animals that live in Africa and writing facts that we learned about them. In Math, we will be reviewing our skills including rote counting, writing numbers, making combinations for numbers up to 10. Detailed progress reports will be going home this week. Logan will be bringing in Fun Friday snacks.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Math Rockstars!

We wanted to congratulate the following students for getting a 100% on their Unit 10 Assessment for Composing Numbers and Numbers Bonds. Congrats go to Sophie, Jason, Mia, Annastacia, Nethanel, Ariana S., Laiyanna, Layla, Maurice, Amaryllis, Noel, Serena, Michael, and Olivia!!!!!!

Last Chance for Play Day T-Shirts!!!

Tuesday 2/18 is the last day to order CLE's Play Day T-Shirts! They are only $10.00 and can be paid in cash or checks (payable to Chimney Lakes Elementary). Online orders are also accepted at The final day to turn in orders and payments to us is this coming Tuesday 2/18. 

Zoo Field Trip 2/13

Our students had SO MUCH fun at the Zoo! We want to thank all the chaperones that helped us make this trip a success! Enjoy the pictures that chaperones sent in :)

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Valentine's Day

Image result for valentine clip art

On Friday we plan on having a Valentine's Card/ Candy Exchange. We know many of the students want to bring in items for their classmates. :) We want the passing out to go seamless and we are requesting that the other students names NOT be written down. We want our 40 students to pass out the items to their 40 classmates easily as possible!
This may seem strange to some of you, but we promise it's the easiest way!! Just allow your child to write their own name down. :)

Also, if your child wishes they may make or purchase a container to hold their valentine goodies. Any students that do not have a container will be given a Publix bag to bring them home in.

If you have any questions or want to send in any extra items, please email both of us. 

Week of February 10

Welcome to another week of Kindergarten! Last week, Ms. Finocchiaro returned from her maternity leave and the students were thrilled to have her back! We spent a lot of time reviewing our classroom rules, rituals, and routines. As the year progressed our students have gotten very comfortable with each other and the classroom and sometimes need a little reminder of the rules.
This week our resources are Spanish, Media, Music, and P.E. On Tuesday, we will have Spring Pictures taken. Friday is Valentine's Day and students are welcome to wear red, pink, and white, or anything with hearts on it! Ms. Bellot and Ms. Finocchiaro will be bringing in Fun Friday snacks for the class. Please let us know if you want to sign up for a Fun Friday in February or March. We are in high need!!

The students are all participating in the new District Phonics program Reading Mastery. Prior to beginning the program, students were tested to see where their phonics level was. Therefore we have time for limited reading skills in the classroom and fit them in whenever we have a few extra minutes.
So we are currently squeezing in ending sounds, rhyming (word families) and sight words. 

We are reading non-fiction passages about different animals. We are discussing one vocabulary word a day to ficus our sentence writing on. Along with figuring out the main topic and supporting details of each passage.
**On Friday we will read a Valentine's book and pass out the Valentine cards/ candies to our classmates.**
Here are two videos on the animals we will focus on this week~ buffalo and hippopotamus. 

This is incorporated into the work we do for Reading. We are practicing writing sentences using the vocabulary we are learning. Students are expected to write complete sentences using sight words and sounds, along with spaces and punctuation.

We will continue our Addition to 10 Unit. After learning about all the combinations for numbers up to 9, we will finally be focusing on the combinations for the number 10. We will review that adding 1 to a number with one is one more and that a number combined with 0 is still that number. Use the following video to practice combinations for the number 10, or "friends of 10".

Monday, February 3, 2020

Week of February 2

See the source image
Welcome to another week of kindergarten and a new month! We have a lot of activities planned for this month and are looking forward to learning more with our students! Our resources this week are music, art, and P.E. CLE's PTA will be hosting a Game Night this Thursday at 6:00pm. Our Fun Friday Activity is Leap Year Day! The students will be learning more about leap year this week in math and we wanted to incorporate that into our Fun Friday Activity. Students can wear green or frogs on Friday. We still need volunteers to sign up to bring Fun Friday snacks for our class (39 students). Please email us if you are interested in signing up to bring the class snacks.

Our Sight Words for this week can be found below:

Students will continue to read various texts on different animals including elephants, cheetahs, American buffalos, warthogs, and wildbeestes. Students will learn new vocabulary words about each animal and continuing to learn how to identify the main topic and key details of a text.

Students will use what they've learned about animals to write informational pieces about an animal of their choosing.

We will continue with our Addition to 10 unit. Students will learn how to combine sets of objects 7-10 and understand all the possible sets up to 10. Students will also learn that a number combined with 0 is still that number and that a number combined with one is one more. Students will continue to practice counting by 10s and 5s. We will also begin progress report testing for rote counting to 100, counting by 10s, writing numbers up to 15, identifying numbers and groups up to 15. Please review all these skills with your child at home. The following videos will help with some of these skills.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Superbowl Day and Rockstar Day 1/31

Enjoy the fun photos of the students that participated in our Fun Friday Activity: Superbowl Day and the The Great Kindness Week activity: Rockstar Day! Ms. Godbold, one of our paraprofessionals, joined us!

Sight Word Picnic 1/30

Students that knew 40 or more sight words were invited to join our Sight Word Picnic on 1/30! Parents of those students were also invited to join us. The students had so much fun and we are so proud of their accomplishments! We also want to give a shoutout to Amelia who won Ms. Conner's Sight Word Cape because of her outstanding participation and hard work throughout the day!