Thursday, October 31, 2019

Character Dress Up Day Parade

We had so much fun today at our Character Dress up Day Parade! Students that dressed up as a character from a book participated in our all-school parade. We were happy to see some parent faces in the audience as we walked through the school! In case you missed us, we took A LOT of photos! We even took a picture of our friends that cheered us on in the audience! Our math and reading work was centered around a story named Frankie's Party. We used our math skills to decorate our neck ties for Frankie and read his story during reading.

i-Ready Usage for the Week of Oct. 28-Oct. 31

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We were busy explaining new Reading and Math Centers, plus we had multiple interruptions every day... so we weren't able to log students on to i-Ready like we normally do. With that being said, we noticed some students went on at home and we wanted to recognize them. :) 
Please tell these students great job when you see them. And if your child's name isn't on the list- please log them on so they get some usage in. Thank you!

Reading i-Ready
Yesica, Edward, Jason, Ashton, Kenza, Noah, Amaryllis, Nethanel, Grayson, Laiyanna and Amelia

Math i-Math
Yesica, Ashton, Christian, Kenza, Noah, Amaryllis, Nethanel, Jaylen, Laiyanna & Amelia

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Food Drive

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We are beginning a Food Drive for The Church at Argyle. Beginning November 1 and continuing until November 20, we will be collecting non-perishable food items in our classroom.  If your child brings in items, please tell them to make use aware on their arrival to school. 

Also, during the Food Drive there will be two contests: one is for the class that collects the most food items and the other is for the decorated box. :) We aren't sure how we will decorate our box... and currently we don't even have a box to use. If anyone is willing to make us a decorated box please email us and let us know. :) In the past our boxes have been decorated as an animal character: Owl from Winnie the Pooh, Pete the Cat and many others. :) 

IN advance, we want to say Thank You to everyone that donates items to those in need. We appreciate all of your generosity. :) 

Red Ribbon Week Day 3

So our class is LOUD and PROUD of being Drug Free!!
Check out their prints below. :) 

Fun Run News

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Don't forget to get those pledges in for the Fun Run!! We are all participating this Friday, November 1 during our Resource Time of 12:00-12:45. 
We haven't had much participation from our class and we want to win a Class Prize for the most Participation!! Plus our School goal is to raise 30, 000 and we're only part of the way there. :) 

Once again here is the link and make sure to enter in your child's name so that they get credit for your pledge.

We are always looking for Volunteers to come out and cheer on the students. If you're free during our Fun Run time come on over!! Sign in at the Front Office and then ask them to direct you to the "Big Kid Playground" where the Fun Run is taking place. 
**You must be an approved school board volunteer.**

Amazing Grace Crop Maze Field Trip


Our Amazing Grace Crop Maze Field Trip in Green Cove Springs will take place on 11/22/19!
Tomorrow we will be sending home permission slips that need to be returned along with the cash payment by 11/13. The cost is $12 per student, and $8 per chaperone. All payments must be made in cash only. We will attach a white envelope for you to turn in the payment. Please be sure to fill out all of the information on the permission slip. We need both the form and payment turned in together. If you are interested in chaperoning, please make sure you are an approved DCPS volunteer beforehand. Remember, this process takes 1-2 weeks to complete, so please ensure you start it now if you are interested. The following link is the website of the venue we will be visiting, feel free to check it out If you have any questions or concerns, email both of us. We're excited to go on our first field trip this year!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

November Calendar

In case you misplace your November Calendar or want to print additional copies.

Red Ribbon Week Day 2

Silly Sock Day was the best!!! So many students participated and we decided to take individual pictures so you could see how cute they all were. :)  We even got in on the fun and showed off our socks. haha
