Yesterday every student in our class practiced going through the Lunch line. (Even if they had a lunch box.) We wanted everyone to understand the differences between fruits and vegetables, along with holding a lunch tray. The students did GREAT!!
We wanted you all the know in case your child decides to get a school lunch one day. There is nothing to worry about, they've had practice going through the line.
Today your child brought home a teacher made book. We practiced reading this book together all last week. The students observed, modeled for one another and practiced reading each sentence alone.
You'll notice on the back cover there are 3 lines. We expect the students to read the book to 3 different people and for each of those people to write their names on the back. (If your child reads over Skype of Facetime- please write that on the line as well.
When the book is returned with three names written on the back, your child will receive a dum dum to eat in class. Then the book will be placed into their Book Baggie for Independent Reading time.
If you have any questions or concerns please email us.
** So by now I hope you all have seen the letter that went home from Principal Gilley. Mrs. Croft is no longer with us. Instead the other teacher is Ms. Genesis Bellot. The students have gotten to meet Ms. Bellot and they are easily transitioning into her as their teacher with me.
I know many of you wish to meet her. She will be at Open House and I'll try to get her to post a little note on the blog with a picture so that you know what she looks like.**
We have a busy week!! Please make sure to look at your child's daily communication folder. We have notes typed into it and we circle your child's conduct every day. (Last week we gave out Treasure Box to those that had their folder initialed by their parents every day. ) On Wednesday, it is an Early Release Day~ we have lunch at 9:50 and Dismissal will begin earlier too.
Our fun Friday activity is Character t-shirt day. It could be an animal character or a person~ we're excited to see what the students come in wearing. Also, Michael is signed up to bring snacks in for the class. :) If anyone else is interested in signing up, please email us.
we are continuing to practice recognizing letters and correlating them to their sounds. (When I complete letter testing, we'll figure out what letters we need to focus on.) We will also be discussing color words again and reading a teacher made book: The Color Monster.
Our predictable chart is: The teacher is_______. Every day a few students will be called to give a descriptive word to the sentence.
Our book this week is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Every day we will focus on a different skill: predictions, retell, connections, opinion and comprehension. My hope is that we get to work in our Reading Journals, however it may just be modeling for the students at this time.
Everyone is sure to love this story!! Check out the youtube video below and enjoy discussing the story with your child.
We are still working on drawing detailed people. Plus we are going to be discussing how we can write sentences to match our pictures. This week we will be writing simple sentences like: I am _____. / I like school.
We are continuing to practice using our Math Tools~ you'll notice your child bringing home Math Awards once we have completed the practice time for them.
We will also be starting our District Math Curriculum. You'll notice your child bringing home math worksheets. Some we complete in class and we ask you review when they bring it home. Other papers we may mark as Finish and Return. These papers will be put into your child's daily communication folder. This weeks lessons will be on comparing items and sorting them together.
We will be discussing "What is a Scientist?" and the tools a scientist uses for his job. Because there is an Early Release Day this week, we will not get to Science on Wednesday.
In our class we want to celebrate the students' accomplishments and our main way of doing this is having CLUBS. :) We have clubs in ELA (Reading and Writing) and Math. For Reading our main clubs are Letters, Sounds and Sight Word Clubs (There is a different Sight Word Club every quarter.) Then in Math our main club is the 100 Club. (This is for students who count by 1's without any mistakes to 100.)
All of these tests are done 1 on 1, so it does take a little bit of time to complete them. But as soon as we have a student make it into a Club. We will be sure to add their name to the Clubs List on the right side of the blog.
As stated earlier~ Open House is September 9 and the marquee in front of school states the time as 6:00.
In the past there has been a PTA meeting before Open House, so check your child's folder as the date gets closer. Literature will go home about what to expect at this years Open House.
These students are able to produce all 26 letter sounds!! **Names will be added as students successfully complete this expectation.
SEPTEMBER: Davin & Amaryllis
OCTOBER:Mia, Nethanel, Nicholas & Layla
NOVEMBER: Kenza, Quentin, Noel, Jaylen
DECEMBER: Braden, Michael, Laiyanna, Amelia
Sight Words
These students read 20+ sight Words on the First Quarter Sight Word Test: Cameron, Jason, Mia, Braden, Michael, Kenza, Annastacia, Logan, Davin, Noah, Amaryllis, Nethanel, Nicholas, Layla, Noel, Laiyanna, Amelia & Maurice
These students read 40+ sight words on the Second Quarter Sight Word Test: Cameron, Mia, Braden, Michael, Kenza, Annastacia, Logan, Davin, Noah, Amaryllis, Nethanel, Layla, Noel, Jaylen, Laiyanna, Amelia, Maurice, Quentin