Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Summer Birthday Day

We celebrated 7 students that have birthdays over the summer. :) Each one brought in a special treat and we used our Extra Resource Day time to celebrate them. 
If the students brought in cookies, we added milk to the mix. If they brought in pudding, we had chocolate (or vanilla) mustaches and if they brought in candy... the students were in their glory!!

Here are pictures of our Summer Birthday Group. :) 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Alphabet Countdown N-R

So I made a point to get a picture of everyone with their NEW name. :) However... the rest of the week was a blur and no other pictures were taken. ooh I almost forgot... so many of you have been asking about Mrs. Croft and Baby Sawyer. I went and visited them last Thursday and I have a new picture~ Sawyer is doing great and he's almost 10lbs. :)

You'll see his picture at the end of the post.
Our Super Silly Class!! I couldn't get through the lesson, so we paused for a picture. haha This is how most of our lessons have been recently... they are all anticipating Summer Vacation!

Baby Sawyer :) 

Week of May 20

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So we are on CRUNCH TIME getting out International Day crafts completed! It's always a hectic time... but so worth it!! :) International Day is the best!!

Not to mention this week we have the Sight Word Picnic, an Early Release Day and our Kindergarten Awards Ceremony. (Papers are going home tomorrow informing everyone about the Awards their child is receiving. The Awards are for grades that were received ALL FOUR QUARTERS.)
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Also, before I forget I feel that I should remind everyone that May 31 is the last day of school and it is an Early Release Dismissal Time.  Plus, Extended Day is closed that day. We will not be going to the Dining Hall on the last day. Instead we will be snacking on all the leftover Fun Friday Snacks and drinks. :) 

***You'll notice Academics weren't mentioned in this post. That is because we have completed all 140 lessons in Saxon and we are reviewing some skills in between completing the International Day crafts. When I said it was crunch time... I meant it!haha***
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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Sight Word Picnic

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This is our last Sight Word Picnic for the year and I'm happy to say this is the largest our group has ever been!! Next Tuesday, May 21st, these students will be eating lunch with Mrs. Conner and I. :) Parents of these students are welcome to come and join us~ we will be eating from 10:15-10:45.

With no further adieu... here are the students that read 80 or more Sight Words:

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Alphabet Countdown I-M

So another week of Alphabet Countdown is complete!! The kids are getting really into it. Somedays are so busy, we aren't able to take pictures... but we do our best. :) ooh I almost forgot, on K for Kindness Day... 13 students went above and beyond and got to PURPLE!!

Enjoy these shots!