Thursday, November 29, 2018

Mrs. Croft's BIG Surprise

Today Mrs.Croft told the class a BIG SURPRISE!! Though it isn't just her surprise... it's also Mr.Croft's surprise. :) Below is the video she showed the class and then we had them guess what her big surprise was. 

Enjoy!! Oooh feel free to send her emails congratulating or giving her advice. It's her first time being a Mommy and she's super excited!!! :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Holiday Shop NEWS

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A green paper is going home informing everyone of our Holiday Shop needing Volunteers. The Volunteers are the most important part of our Shop~ they help the little ones SO MUCH!!

If anyone is able to Volunteer time between 9:00am and 2:00pm during December 10-17 please fill out the green paper and return it as soon as possible.
**All day Volunteers are provided lunch by the PTA.**

~ While we have everyone's attention, The Holiday Shop will be open for FAMILY NIGHT on Thursday, December 13 5:30-7:30.~

If you have any questions please call 573-1100 ext.2057. :) 

Holidays Around the World!!

Image result for holidays around the world clipart
This letter will be going home as soon as we get copies printed, but we wanted to give all of you a heads up in case you go shopping any time soon. :) 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Week of November 26

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Welcome Back!! 
We hope everyone had a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving Break. We are ready to get back in the classroom and get to LEARNING!! Please remember that Progress Reports are going home. Sign it and make sure to mark if you want a Conference~ we will be requesting a bunch, but we are always glad to meet with parents in person or on the phone to discuss any concerns you have.

We have Resources four days this week, we have an Early Release Day on Wednesday and Friday is STUFFED ANIMAL DAY! We look forward to seeing the students with their stuffed animals. We allow them to sit at the tables while we are in lessons at the carpet. We also allow students to bring them outside at Recess. This being said... if it is a SUPER SPECIAL stuffed animal or a family heirloom DO NOT SEND IT TO SCHOOL. We do not take responsibility for a ripped or damaged stuffed animal. It is BRING AT YOUR OWN RISK. :) 

This week we are diving right back into where we left off and finishing up our unit on comparing numbers. We will be focusing on how to identify how more or how many less there are. Students have been doing a great job identifying which group or set is greater but now we want them to be able to use the vocabulary we practiced to compare sets. For example, in class students might hear me say "I have 4 cats and 2 dogs. Which do I have more of? How many more?" (FYI-I just have 1 dog :) )
On Friday November 30th we will have our Unit Assessment on comparing numbers. Please make sure to listen to book Just Enough Carrots, go back to previous posts for videos, complete homework, and review vocabulary.
Unit 4 Comparing Numbers Vocabulary: Greater, More than (Not bigger), Less than, fewer, Same, Equal 

We are continuing to write simple sentences using Sight Words taught in class and chopping up unknown words to write the sounds we hear. Please remind your child of the important fundamentals of writing:
1)Sentence begin with an uppercase letter.
2) Finger spaces separate words.
3) Sentences end with punctuation. (Currently we only use periods.)
Below is the rubric we plan on using to grade your child's work.

We wrote a post about Saxon a few weekends ago. Please look back and read that post!! We are discussing a lot of blends and double consonants~ we need the students to be practicing what they look like and how to code them. This week we are focusing on the letter Rr. 
Our Sight Words for the Week are: you, had, more & made. Here is a simple slideshow to help your child practice reading the words.
We are stilling practicing recognizing rhymes and chopping words up into syllables. Here are two fun videos by Jack Hartmann that we will use in class to practice with. Make sure to practice!! Your child will be tested on these two skills this week. :)
We already assessed on beginning sounds and found out there are still some students that don't understand the vocabulary BEGINNING or INITIAL. So we took a step back and found an easier practice video for our blog. Check it out if you notice your child has trouble when asked about the beginning sound of a picture. 

Our District adopted a new Reading Curriculum and we are going to implement it in our classroom. This week the book they have chosen is What Lives in a Shell
Image result for what lives in a shell book
I looked and looked for a video reading of the book, unfortunately I did not have any success. So here is a PDF file for you to read the book with your child. :)
Before we read the book in class we will discuss vocabulary: safe, grows, enemy & outgrows. Our big questions are what is the main idea and how can I retell key details. Read  the book with your child and make sure to discuss everything! Both of you are sure to enjoy it and... probably plan a trip to the beach real soon. haha

Jacksonville Humane Society Donations

As some of you may not we are both Girls on the Run coaches at our school along with many other hats. :) Our team this season is collecting items to help the Jacksonville Humane Society especially as their busiest season approaches. Items needed: dog & cat food, collars, leashes, blankets & towels (used or new), treats, cat litter, and toys. Anything is appreciated! Thank you all for your support and help!- CLE Girls on the Run

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

See the source image 

We wanted to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!! We have quite a bit to be thankful for this school year. 
Enjoy spending time with family and friends. We'll be back at school on Monday, November 26. :) 
**Progress Report Grades and Detailed Reports will be going home. Be on the look out for it in your child's Daily Folder.**

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Week of November 19

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There are only two short days this week and we plan on having a little Turkey Fun! We plan on working a lot with our Sanford Harmony Buddies in class since it's such a short week. 

We're also doing more make up testing for those that were absent... Next week Progress Reports go home and we are doing our best to get them all completed. We do want to note due to lack of time and attendance for some, we have quite a few assignments not being tested right now. WHICH MEANS; your child's grade can go up or down before Report Cards go out at the end of the quarter.

Field Trip Photos

So it took a long time to get the photos loaded and then... i just completely forgot about them. SO sorry!! I should also add the photos are not in order. The fun is scattered all through out.

Anyway, without any further adieu; here are the pictures we received from our Field Trip ENJOY!!
And thanks to all the parents that Chaperoned. :) We couldn't have done it without ya!